


Autonomy, Decentralisation, Identity construction, Identity politics, Desentralisasi, Konstruksi identitas, Otonomi, Politik identitas



This article investigates education in the era of Aceh Special Autonomy from the perspective of Acehnese identity politics. The nature of education in Aceh was fundamentally a legacy of conflict, and an arena of continuous identity contestation in the course of Aceh history. This study focuses on the way the implementation of special autonomy and Islamic sharia has altered and reshaped the construction of Acehnese identity. The changes in the curriculum and the structure of education observed in this research has represented the reassertion of Islamic identity in the education of Aceh. However, this reassertion has not necessarily led to an all-Islamised education system in Aceh.  Rather, this development has resulted in a hybrid education system, one which promotes a greater association and convergence between Aceh’s distinct Islamic identity and the Indonesian education secular systems. This result emphasises that Acehnese identity has experienced transformation and negotiation, that is, although Islam has and continously remained the most significant element of Acehese identity, this identity is framed as part of  Indonesian national identity. Therefore, identity is not fixed, but it is flexible and negotiable, as nationalism itself is a form of shared identity.  


Artikel ini menginvestigasi pendidikan pada era Otonomi Khusus Aceh dalam perspektif politik identitas masyarakat Aceh. Hakikat pendidikan di Aceh merupakan warisan dari konflik dan senantiasa menjadi ajang kontestasi identitas dalam sejarah hubungan antara Aceh dan Jakarta. Tulisan ini akan melihat sejauh mana penerapan Otsus dan Syariat Islam telah membentuk atau mengubah konstruksi identitas Aceh. Perubahan-perubahan dalam kurikulum dan struktur pendidikan sebagaimana ditemukan dalam penelitian ini telah menegaskan kembali identitas Islam dalam pendidikan Aceh. Namun demikian hal ini tidak serta merta mendorong Islamisasi menyeluruh pada sistem pendidikan Aceh. Melainkan telah terbentuk sebuah sistem pendidikan ‘hibrid’ yang menghasilkan penyatuan dan konvergensi antara identitas Islam Aceh dengan sistem pendidikan sekuler Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini meneguhkan argumen bahwa identitas Aceh telah mengalami transformasi dan negosiasi, meskipun Islam telah dan tetap menjadi elemen penting dalam identitas Aceh, namun identitas tersebut  terus menerus ternegosiasikan ke dalam identitas nasional. Identitas bukan merupakan suatu yang tetap, melainkan fleksibel dan dapat dinegosiasikan, karena nasionalisme itu sendiri merupakan sebuah bentuk berbagi identitas.

Author Biography

  • Amaliah Fitriah, Agency for Research and Development, Ministry of Education and Culture
    Amaliah Fitriah is the Head of Organisational and Governance Subdivision at the Agency for Educational Research and Development, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. She has recently completed her PhD in the Development Studies Programme, Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand (2017). She earned her Master Degree from the Development Studies Programme at Massey University (2010) and Bachelor Degree in International Relations, University of Indonesia (2000).

    Working for the Ministry of Education and Culture since 2005, Amaliah has developed an interest in educational policies and practices in an Indonesian context, in particular, and Southeast Asia, in general. Her particular interests cover education, decentralisation, local government and local politics. She published a joint article in Asia Pacific Education Review (APER) journal, entitled “A different result of community participation in education: an Indonesian case study of parental participation in public primary schools†( ) which was mainly based on her Master thesis. Recently, she developed an interest in exploring the relationship between identity construction and education in the context of the Indonesian decentralisation movement. Fitriah chose Aceh as a case study for her PhD thesis to examine the impact of decentralisation policy on the construction of identity in Aceh’s post-conflict education under the implementation of Islamic sharia.


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How to Cite

IDENTITAS ISLAM DAN PENDIDIKAN DI ERA OTONOMI KHUSUS ACEH. (2020). EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Dan Keagamaan, 18(1), 1-18.

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