Education, Religiousism, SalafAbstract
Pesantren Nurussalam Ciamis is often associated with the movement of Abu Bakar Ba’asyir who was caught in Banjar in August 2010. Even in 2013, this Islamic boarding school is linked again with the arrest of terrorist Anton who
is allegedly an alumnus of Nurussalam Islamic Boarding School. After the bombing of Thamrin on January 14, 2016, Nurussalam Islamic Boarding School is indicated by the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT) as one of radical Islamic boarding schools. The question is whether Nurussalam Islamic Boarding School is really a source of radicalism. To answer that question, we
see two aspects of Pesantren Nurussalam namely its education method and religious understanding. Through qualitative method, it is found that Pesantren Nurussalam education system generally refers to the national education system plus Islamic education system adopted from Gontor and Ngruki models. The educational system built is not separated from the religious understanding of
the founders and managers who understand salaf, more precisely salaf puris cooperationis. Although it adheres to Salaf, Pesantren Nurussalam refuses
to be categorized as radical Islamic boarding school.
Pesantren Nurussalam Ciamis is often associated with the movement of Abu Bakar Ba’asyir who was caught in Banjar in August 2010. Even in 2013, this Islamic boarding school is linked again with the arrest of terrorist Anton who
is allegedly an alumnus of Nurussalam Islamic Boarding School. After the bombing of Thamrin on January 14, 2016, Nurussalam Islamic Boarding School is indicated by the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT) as one of radical Islamic boarding schools. The question is whether Nurussalam Islamic Boarding School is really a source of radicalism. To answer that question, we
see two aspects of Pesantren Nurussalam namely its education method and religious understanding. Through qualitative method, it is found that Pesantren Nurussalam education system generally refers to the national education system plus Islamic education system adopted from Gontor and Ngruki models. The educational system built is not separated from the religious understanding of
the founders and managers who understand salaf, more precisely salaf puris cooperationis. Although it adheres to Salaf, Pesantren Nurussalam refuses
to be categorized as radical Islamic boarding school.
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Wawancara dengan sekretaris pesantren, Yoyo Yahya, di kampus Pesantren Nurussalam, 7 dan 8 Pebruari 2016.
Wawancara dengan Andi, putra almarhum ustadz Abdul Hadi, di Kemenag Ciamis pada 24 Maret 2016.
Wawancara dengan Kasi Kemenag Ciamis, Muhammad Aip Maftuh, di Kantor Kemenag Ciamis, 28 Maret 2016.
Wawancara dengan Adiwana Juana, Wakil Ketua MUI Ciamis di Buniseuri Ciamis, pada 9 Februari 2016.